Apr. 30, 1294

“Limited Concession” granted to Jews by the butcher’s guild of Frankfurt (Oder) [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg]: “[10 named Jews] are permitted to slaughter two livestocks/cattle on Sunday, one on Tuesdays, and two on Fridays..” [Researcher’s note: Jews were generally prohibited by the local guilds to slaughter livestock which posed a problem as the meat slaughtered by the Christian butchers were not kosher. This caused conflict among the Christians and Jews which the City Council of Frankfurt attempted to settle between the butcher’s guild and the Jewry by negotiating the granting a limited concession to Jews by the guilds.]
Medieval Ashkenaz: Corpus der Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden im Spätmittlealterlichen Reich; Synoden und Konzilien 1, Nr. 1 (Corpus of the Sources on the History of Jews in the Late Middles Ages; Synods and Councils 1, No. 1). Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/21/2019 ADD PAGE #