Jul. 28, 1294

Edict Against Jewish Homeownership, given by King Adolf von Nassau for the City of Worms, State of Hesse [Present-day Germany]: “We, Adolf, Roman King by the grace of God, exalted throughout the universe, faithful to the Holy Roman Empire, present these letters by its grace, and all that is good. For the honorable men, the dean and the chapter of the church of St. Martin in the City of Worms, in whose parish a certain site has been made known to us as being purchased by Anshelm Oppenheim, a Jew, their prayers have been received favorably, as they have been bestowed with our support and edict, that no Jew shall purchase any estate, farm or house in said parish of St. Martin. Those who do so presumptuously, shall pay twenty silver marks to our treasury, twenty marks to the church of St. Martin, and another twenty to the people of Worms, to suffer punishment, in the presence of written evidence. Given at Frankfurt in the seventh indiction of the Augustine calendar, in the year of our Lord 1294, the third year of our reign.”
BOOS, Heinrich, Quellen zur Geschichte der Stadt Worms. Herausgegeben von H. Boos. Volume TH. 1, (Berlin: 1886-93). Researched and Translated by Dominik Jacobs 7/08/2019 ADD PAGE #