Nov. 28, 1308

“Order” of Holy Roman Emperor Heinrich VII [Present-day Germany; Free City of Frankfurt a. Main]: “[…] We, Heinrich [VII] […], elected King of the Romans […] declare all Jews of both sexes […] who are currently living or will live in the future in the cities of Rheinau and Molsheim of the Diocese of Strasbourg and Rufach and Sulz in the Diocese of Basel to be the eternal possessions of the Church of Strasbourg, so that they serve [the Church] and belong to them rightfully […] as a consolation of the great losses [the Church has] suffered in the service of the Kingdom (Reich) and as an incentive for all future assistance of the prelates of the Church of Strasbourg […] with the consent of the [Kur-]princes […].”
Strasbourg, AD Bas-Rhin, G 1115, Abschriften aus der Straßburger Bischofskanzlei (16. Jh.) von Transsumpten Kg. Friedrichs des Schönen und Kg. Karls IV. vom 24. März 1315 resp. 25. Oktober 1354 (“Strasbourg, Archive Department [of] Bas-Rhin, G 1115, Transcripts from the Bishop’s office in Strasbourg (16th Century) from an Insert [of] King Fredrick the Fair and King Carl IV from March 24, 1315 [to] October 25, 1354”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/2/2017 ADD PAGE #