Apr. 23, 1316

“Order” of Frederick the Handsome/Fair (“Friedrich, der Schöne”) [Duchy of Austria/House of Habsburg; Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews of Neustadt [near Vienna] are prohibited to work as tailors or be faced with confiscation [of the items] by the princely chamber (‘landesfürstliche Kammer’) and forfeiture of the dresses to the same [authority].[…]”
Berliener, Abraham: Aus dem leben der deutschen Juden im Mittelalter: zugleich als Beitrag für deutsche Culturgeschichte. Nach gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen (“From the Lives of the German Jews in the Middle Ages: at the same time as Contributions to German Cultural History. According to printed and unprinted Sources”) (Berlin; 1900); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 2/19/2018;  Researched by Dominik Jacobs 1/23/2020 ADD PAGE #