Apr. 12, 1330

Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) announces to the city-councils in Erfurt, Mühlhausen, and Nordhausen that he is letting the Margrave Frederick of Meissen have the Jews in this Margrave’s lands/domains and in the aforementioned cities for the duration of his life-time so that he (the Margrave) can tax them and rule over them as an emperor would […] and orders the cities to be helpful to the Margrave in that matter.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original old text which can be found in Rudolphi’s Gotha Diplomatica (Volume V).]
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des Mittelalters. Bearbeitet von Dr. M. Wiener. Erster Teil. (Regesta regarding the history of Jews in Germany during the Middle Ages. Edited by M[eir] Wiener, PhD. First Part.); (Hannover; 1862); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/20/2020 ADD PAGE #