Sept. 21, 1338

“Official Agreement” between Raugrave Rupert and Count John of Sponheim [Present-day Germany]: “Raugrave Ruprecht (‘Rupprecht der rugraffe’) promises his uncle, John of Sponheim (‘Johann von Spanheym’), lords of Kreuznach (‘Crutzenmachen’), to quickly comply with a set of specified obligations, among which to build a town outside of the village Ebernburg (‘Ebirburg’) as well as a permanent house in the town and a castle above it on hutteberge which… if we come to an agreement, we will own together, [and] we shall keep Jews together in the city and also protect them, [and] they (the Jews) shall serve us together. […]” [Researcher’s note: The above official agreement between Raugrave Rupert and Count John of Sponheim has been partially paraphrased in an effort to abbreviate the very long original text.]
Regesten des Archivs der Grafen von Sponheim 1, Nr. 698, S. 427 f. [Original]; (“Regesta of the Archives of the Count of Sponheim 1, No. 698, p. 427 f.”); Medieval Ashkenaz: Corpus der Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in Spätmittelalterlichen Reich; Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in Erzbistum Mainz (1273-1347); (“Corpus of the Sources on the History of the Jews in the Late Middle Ages; Sources on the History of Jews in Archbishopric of Mainz (1273-1347)”; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/30/2017