Dec. 10, 1339

Writ of Holy Roman Emperor, Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian, sells/pledges the Jews of Speyer to the Elector/Count Palatine Rupert [I.] (‘Pfalzgraf Ruprecht’) for his debt of 2,000 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller – with the consent of Bishop Gerhard of Speyer, to whom they (the Jews of Speyer) were pledged before for the same amount.”
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des Mittelalters. Bearbeitet von Dr. M. Wiener. Erster Teil. (Regesta regarding the history of Jews in Germany during the Middle Ages. First Part.); (Hannover; 1862); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/17/2020 ADD PAGE #