“Official Announcement” of the City Council of Cologne [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Cologne]: “[…] few points* contained in the [previous] privileges granted to the Jews, which according to the teaching of ‘good’ clergymen, has now become evident, to be incompatible with God and the salvation of our souls. Therefore, [we] Councilors/Councilmen have decided to revoke these points with the next extension of these privileges […]. Disputes that involve money/monetary payments (‘Geldzahlungen’) and food-related issues shall no longer be brought forth and negotiated in a synagogue and in front of the head of the Jewish community as it has been done in the past. […] The gates that stand at the end of the Jewish alley (‘Judengasse’) shall not be structurally modified in the next thirteen years. […]” [Researcher’s note: Upon further examination, it is clear that there were not a “few” points that needed to be modified but technically just one; however, one of extraordinary importance.”]
Köln, HAStadt, Best. 30, V2, fol. 5r/v; Abschr. (zeitnah), dt. Perg. (“Cologne” City H[istory]A[rchive], Stock 30, V2, fol. 5r/v; Copy (contemporary), German, [on] Parchment Paper”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/2/2017