Jan. 9, 1401

Decree, issued by Rupert, King of Germany, for the City of Mainz [Present-day Germany]: “[…] Every Jew who is at least thirteen years old shall pay Us, every year on Christmas Day, a righteous tribute of one guilder, and We shall not allow anyone near that money except those whom We deputize to collect it, and it shall not go anywhere but into Our imperial tax chamber.”
Schaab, Carl Anton. Diplomatische Geschichte der Juden zu Mainz und dessen Umgebung, mit Berücksichtigung ihres Rechtszustandes in den verschiedenen Epochen (Diplomatic History of the Jews in Mainz and its surroundings, under consideration of their legal situation across the various epochs). Zabern: Mainz, 1855. Page 108. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 8/5/2020