Mar. 12, 1421

“Wiener Gesera” decree issued by Albrecht V and announced to the citizens by the Town Hall/City Council (‘Rathaus’) of Vienna [Present-day Austria]: “[…] because of their [Jews] actions, which they have unfortunately committed against the holy sacrament [be]for* many years as well as in Enns […], the aforementioned our gracious sir/ruler (‘Herr’) […] has ordered all Jewry [living with]in his land/holdings (‘lanndt’) to be removed through death by fire [as of] today.** […]” [Researcher’s note: *Even though the old German text uses “vor” in the original decree which technically translates to “before” in modern German, it is very likely that in this context it was to mean “for” many years. **The execution of the remaining Jews of Vienna (92 men and 120 women) occurred in Erdberg on the same day.]
Pertz, Georg Heinrich: Monumenta Germaniae Historica; (Historical Monuments of Germany; (Hannover; 1851); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani, 9/20/2017 ADD PAGE #