Jul. 25, 1424

“Jewish Settlement/Establishment of Frankfurt” (‘Frankfurter Judenstättigkeit’) issued by the City Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[…] 1) Council grants Jews settlement [privileges] for 5 years, until July 25, 1429 [… they] are to pay the agreed-upon annual levy due in March of each year. […] 3) Their children and servants must apply for their own ‘Stättigkeit permits’ if they own property or engage in any kind of money trade […] 4) They may not borrow foreign money or money from non-established Jews […] 6) They may not ask for more than one Heller for each Gulden in interests from (local) citizens. […] 7) Jews may not loan money to non-locals […]. 8) They are prohibited to make loans against church or bloody garments; or raw, unprocessed cloth or dyed wool if they belong to other citizens. 9) They may not loan against armor unless it is proven that it does not belong to any locals. 10) They may only sell armor which they have purchased outside of Frankfurt, to citizens only. […]”
AG Deutsch-Jüdische Geschichte im Verband der Geschichtslehrer Deutschlands – Die Frankfurter Judengasse. Einführung. Dokumente. 1. Erste Stättigkeit der Juden in Frankfurt, 1424. (“AG German-Jewish History from the Society of History-Teachers of Germany – The Jewish-Alley/Gasse of Frankfurt. Introduction. Documents. 1. First Settlement/Establishment of Jews in Frankfurt, 1424.”); www.juedischegeschichte.de; Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/19/2020 ADD PAGE #