Oct. 5, 1430

“Writ” of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund [Present-day Hungary]: “We, Sigmund […] since it was brought to our attention [by the citizens of Eger] that the Jewry […] is graciously endowed with freedoms* [and] that they do not suffer in the same way as the [other Christian] citizens of our aforementioned city […] and neither partake in keeping watch or digging [trenches] or other such work […] and because [the citizens] wish that none of these Jews remain in the city of Eger nor live here […] And so, we give power [to the citizens] to expel the aforementioned Jewry […and while they] may the take all of their [movable] possessions, pledges, and goods […but not] their houses, court-yards/farms (‘Hof’), the synagogue, and the Jewish cemetery which shall remain with our faithful, those of Eger, so that they make good use of it […] and [turn] a [part of] the synagogue into a chapel and gift it in honor and praise of God and Our dear mother/women* (‘Gott und Unsere lieben Frauen* zu Lob stiften sollen’).” [Researcher’s note: It’s unclear just from the text itself whether Sigismund refers to God and Mary or whether he’s referring to other women.]
Geschichte des Egerlandes (bis 1437) von Heinrich Gradl. Mit Unterstützung der Gesellschaft zur Förderung deutscher Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur in Böhmen. (Prag; 1893); (History of Eger [land] (until 1437) by Heinrich Gradl. With support of the society for the advancement of German science, art, and literature in Bohemia.); (Prague; 1893); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 12/12/2018 ADD PAGE #