Jun. 20, 1442

“Regulations” issued by Emperor Louis IV (Ludwig, the Bavarian) [Swabian Imperial City of Nördlingen; Present-day Germany]: “[…] the Jews are to have two or three meat-banks […] they may slaughter livestock either in their houses or at these meat-banks […] they may sell the meat of slaughtered animals only in their meat-banks, but not at the meat-banks of the Christians. […] No one may sell meat, which the Jews have slaughtered at Christian meat-banks to Christians, either publicly or secretly. […] Anyone who does so, must pay one pound Haller for each cow […] 60 Haller for each calf and 60 Haller for each sheep or goat […] plus a fine of 60 Haller to the Christian township. A butcher, who purchases meat from livestock slaughtered by Jews, cures (salt) it or combines it with other meat and sells it publicly or secretly to Christians and who is found out and convicted by two, three, or four masters, must pay the aforementioned fine and will additionally be expelled from the city for one year. If a foreigner (‘gast’) introduces/brings in meat to the city from livestock that Jews have slaughtered, he may only sell these at the Jewish meat-banks. Anyone who violates against these provisions must pay the prescribed fine/penalty. […]”
Nördlingen, StadtA, U 2953, Orig., dt., Perg. (“Nördlingen City Archive, U 2953, Orig[inal], German, [on] parchment paper”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/14/2018 ADD PAGE #