Jun. 5, 1447

“Official Document or Writ” of Duke Johann I [County of Mark (‘Grafschaft Mark)*; Present-day Germany]: “We, Johan […] announce to all Jews […] and to our heirs and successors […] via this public letter […] that no Jews shall live within the City of Hamm […].” [Researcher’s note: *Mark was an independent (and one of the most powerful) counties/states of the Holy Roman Empire. According to the cited source, the original document can be found in the City Archive of Hamm, No. 26. (‘und dat bynnen der stad ton Hamm nyne joden wonen sullen nummermer’)]
Veröffentlichungen der historischen Komission für Westfalen.  Rechtsquellen. Westfälische Stadtrechte. Abteilung I. Die Stadtrechte der Grafschaft Mark. Heft 2. Hamm, bearbeitet von Dr. A. Overmann, Stadtarchivar in Erfurt. Mit Unterstützung der Stadt Hamm. (“Publishings of the historical Commission for Westphalia.  Legal Sources.  City Right of Westphalia.  Division I. The City Rights of the County of Mark.  Issue 2.  Hamm, edited by A. Overmann, Phd., city archivist in Erfurt.  With the support of the City of Hamm.”); (Münster; 1903); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/26/2013 ADD PAGE #