Dec. 5, 1496

Expulsion decree, issued by King Manuel I of Portugal [Present-day Portugal]: “That the Jews of these regions neither dwell, nor be in them. We determine and order to be published as our law, that through the month of October of the year of Our Lord one thousand four hundred and ninety-seven, all Jews and Jewesses in our realms shall leave them, under penalty of death, and lose their farms to those who accuse them. By this same decree, anyone who during said time has hidden any Jew, shall also lose his farm to his accuser.”
[Kingdom of] Portugal. Ordenações De El-Rey D. Manuel (Ordinances of King Dom Manuel). Valentim Fernandes: Lisbon, 1513. Second Book, Title 48, fol.43v. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 8/28/2019.