May 28, 1501

“Jewish Ordinance” for the City of Pilsen issued by the Principles and Community Eldest of the City of Pilsen [Royal City of Pilsen; Present-day Czech Republic]: “[… in this ordinance, the following subject matters are regulated for Jews] interest [on loans]; lending of clothing items; prohibition to make loans on yarns and bedding/sheets; prohibition to sell certain clothing items; loans that are past due; stolen items; that Jews shall not bathe in Christian baths; that they shall not purchase holy (church) items; they shall not invite/take on foreign Jews without the prior consent of the mayor […] foreign Jews may remain in the city no longer than three days […] they may not burn coins. Interests are determined: two Denar for each Schock a week; one Denar for half a Schock; and 20 Groschen [… for ] a Heller. […]” [Researcher’s note: The Jewish ordinance of Pilsen contains 19 articles. The above is a translation of a German summary of the text. An abbreviated version of the original Czech text can be found in Gottlieb Bondy’s “Zur Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien von 906 bis 1620″ (“Regarding the History of Jews in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia from 906 until 1620.”); the original document itself can be found in the Pilsner Museum No. 39; page 54 according to the same source.]
History of Jews in Pilsen. Bearbeitet von Rb. Prof. Dr. Max Hoch Pilsen. (“History of Jews in Pilsen. Edited by Rb. Professor Max Hoch, PhD. Of Pilsen”);; Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/9/2018 ADD PAGE #