ca. 1515

[Possible/Probable] “Order” issued by Eldermen (“Schöffen”) of Prague [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany] 

Commentary from other sources:
1) “When the guilds of sword-makers complained to the city that individual Jews were engaging in sword making and were selling these along with other handmade items to Christians, the Eldermen (‘Schöffen’) of Prague ordered the Christian business-overseers to confiscate any new goods which they found on Jews.” [“Schöffe” were honorary laymen who could issue orders and impose punishments for crimes that were legally binding.]

“Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Juden in der Cechoslovakischen Republik; VIII Issue; 1936; Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Samuel Steinherz;” (“Year-book of the Society for History of Jews in the Czech Republic; edicted by Prof. Dr. Samuel Steinherz”);(Frankfurt am Main; 2008)