Jul. 23, 1541

“Order” of Emperor Karl V addressed to Delegate/Parliament Member (‘Abgeordnete’) of Constance Konrad Zwick [Prince-Bishopric of Constance; Present-day Germany]: “Henceforth, no Jew or Jewess may lend to the citizens of Constance, heirs (‘Hinterlassen’), subjects, members of the courts and the administration* (‘Gerichts- und Schirmangehörige’) or their wives or children, may the loans be on immobile or specifically named items/goods – regardless of with or without usury – or [they are to] lose the main capital (‘Hauptgut’) and the loan. In cases where Constancians got involved with Jews (‘mit Juden einlassen’) before such [order], they are to set up a legal contract and pay it off.”
Badenia oder das badische Land und Volk. Eine Zeitschrift zur Verbreitung der historische-topographisch-statistischen Kenntiniß des Großherzogthums. Herausgegeben von Dr. Joseph Bader, Großherzgl. Archivrath. Zweiter Band. (“Badenia or the Land and Peoples of Baden. A Periodical for the Dissemination of the historical-topographical-statistical knowledge of the Grand Duchy. Edited by Joseph Bader, PhD, Council-Archivist of the Grand-duchy. Second Volume.”); (Heidelberg; 1862); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/2/2018 ADD PAGE #