Jan. 11, 1542

“Decree” issued by the Austrian government [Present-day Austria; House of Habsburg/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] Jews, who reside here (‘heuslich gesessen’), shall give three Gulden per house, which the empire/state shall give to the poor. Jews, whether male or female, who do not reside here (‘nit heuslich, gesessen’) and who are over the age of twelve, shall pay one Pound of Pennies (‘Phund phening’). Those who are under the age of twelve shall give half a Florin. Jews who are businessmen (pursue trade), shall be especially taxed according to their dealings by the local authorities under whose jurisdiction they reside. […]”
Beiträge zur Kunde steiermärkischer Geschichtsquellen herausgegeben von historischen Vereine für Steiermark. 15. Jahrgang.  (Graz; 1878); (Contributions to the science/lore of historical Styrian sources published by the Historical Associations of Styria. 15th edition. (Graz, 1878)); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/18/2019 ADD PAGE #