Jan. 2, 1554

“Mandate” issued by Ferdinand I [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Italy]: “[…] all Jews are to leave without further ado the Austrian lands and Gorizia along with their wives, children, servants, possessions, and goods by the next Saint John’s Day (‘Johannestag’) […]” [Researcher’s note: Ferdinand extended the deadline on April 3, 1554, by one year. On March 31, 1555, he extended the deadline by another year. This ordinance was repeated in 1567, 1572, 1614 and 1625.]
Engelman, Wilhelm: Das Judentum in Oesterrich und die böhmischen Unruhen (“The Jewry in Austria and the bohemian Unrest”); (Leipzig; 1845); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani, 9/22/2017 ADD PAGE #