Mar. 30, 1563

“Mandate” issued by Bishop Velt von Würzburg [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…all] Jews and Jewesses, whether they are near or within our Dom-Cathedral (‘Thumbkapital’), are herewith requested to leave our Stift, territory, and [field of] authority (‘Obrigkeit’) with all of their servants and household and [are] not to return without our or our successor’s knowledge and permission for their transgression on tradition/decency and the Statutes of the Stift […] and for their ungodly, unseemly, […] Jewish usury attempts and actions, which increase every day and burden the common man immensely […].”
Schirnaidel – Bis auf die Gegenwart; zugleich ein Rückblick auf das Hochstift Bamberg von Michael Pfister, Domkapitular. (‘Schirnaidel* – Until the Present; at the same time a review of the Hochstift Bamberg by Michael Pfister, Head or the Cathedral-Chapter); (Bamberg; 1891);Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/9/2018 ADD PAGE #