Apr. 19, 1566

Papal bull “Romanus Pontifex” issued by Pope Pius V [Present-day Italy]: “…In order to make an end to all doubt concerning the colour of the cap and the sign of the women, we declare that the colour must be yellow…All worldly princes, lords and judges do we exhort, and implore for the mercy of Jesus Christ’s sake and utter to them for this forgiveness of their sins, to support in all the foregoing the patriarchs, primates, archbishops and bishops and to further them, and the transgressors with worldly punishments and judgements.” [Editor’s note: Author’s footnote dates this law April 19, 1566]
“Chapter Forty-Two Popes, Church Fathers and Saints Combat and Condemn the Jews.” No Author. Page 646; Accessed online 8/1/2011 ADD RESEARCHER/DATE