Oct. 23, 1576

“Jewish Ordinance” issued by the City Council of Frankfurt [Free Imperial City of Frankfurt; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews can sell a pound of beef – which did not turn out kosher – for no more than 7 pennies; […] there must not be more than 6 Jewish butchers in Frankfurt […] who must appear in front of the council annually to ask/apply for this perk/privilege […] Between [St.] Gall’s and [St.] Martin’s [Day], Jew may not slaughter more than two oxen and one cow. [… outside of this time] Jews may slaughter two cows and one oxen if both pieces turn out not to be kosher (‘es ware denn, dass beide Stücke nicht kosher ausfallen’) they may slaughter one more […]. […] In addition to a calf, Jews may not slaughter more than two of the following: mutton, sheep, goats, and buck. […] During the time of the markets, each is allowed to slaughter either no more than three cows or one oxen and one cow – and if either turned out to be non-kosher, they may slaughter one in its place […].” [Researcher’s note: This is an extension to the “Fleischordnung” (Meat-Ordinance) for Jews issued in 1433.]
Chronik vom ehrbaren Metzgergewerk. Nach den Rechtsquellen und historischen Ueberlieferungen des deutschen Mittelalters bearbeitet und in den Druck gegeben von Herman Alexander von Berlepsch; (“Chronicle of the Respectable butcher’s trade. According to Legal Sources and Historical Customs of the Middle Ages in Germany edited and given to print by Herman Alexander von Berlepsch”); (St. Gallen); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/14/2013 ADD PAGE #