Sept. 1, 1577

Papal bull “Vices Ejus Nos,” issued by Pope Gregory XIII [Present-day Italy]: “[…] all patriarchs, archbishops, bishops and other prelates of the church shall ensure that in their areas, lands and towns, where there are a sufficient number of Jews to found a synagogue, they shall call them to assemble at a predetermined place, on the sabbath or any other specific day of each week, but not on hallowed ground or at a place where mass is usually celebrated. There, a Master of Theology or another suitable man, who should be paid by the Hebrews, or in any other way agreeable to him, shall preach or lecture to them. Therewith, the scriptures of the Old Testament shall be explained to them, namely Moses and the prophets.”
Franco, Sebastian & Dalmazzo, Henrico (eds.). Bullarum: diplomatum et privilegiorum sanctorum romanorum pontificum taurinensis [Diplomatic Bulls and Privileges of the Holy Roman Pontiffs — Torino Edition], Volume 8. Turin, Italy, 1863. Pp. 188ff. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 9/1/19.