Mar. 26, 1582

“Order” issued by Rudolph II [Present-day Czech Republic; Germany; Poland; Duchies of Silesia/Kingdom of Bohemia/Bohemian crown lands]: “[…] the Jewry is to leave/clear out of Silesia as per the decision of the Silesian princes and the estates of the realm (‘Stände’)* or lose all of their property and belongings […]; however, they may be permitted to continue to do business on public annual markets as in the past […]” [Researcher’s note: *The estates of the realm (‘Stände’) were a broad social hierarchy during the medieval and early modern period in Europe.]
D. Anthon Balthasar Walthers königl. Preußischen Kriegs- und Domainen-Raths Silesia Diplomatica, Oder Verzeichnis derer gedruckten Schlesischen Diplomatum, Privilegiorum, Landes-Gesetze, Statuten, Päpstlichen Bullen, Ober-Amtlichen Patenten, Gerichtlichen Bescheide, Beschlüsse, Gutachten, Rechtlichen Ausführungen, Beschwernüsse, Vergleiche, Friedens-Schlüsse, und andere zur Schlesischen Historie und Rechtsgelahrsamkeit gehörigen Uhrkunden und Nachrichten. Nebst einem Verzeichnis der Autorum worinnen dieselben zum Theil befindlich und einem Register über die vornehmsten Sachen. Zweyter Tomus. Enthält die zum weltlichen Zustande Schlesiens gehörige Uhrkunden. (Breslau; 1742); (D. Anthon Balthasar Walther’s royal, reproduction of the Prussian war- & domain-council [laws] of Silesia; Or directory/register of printed Silesian official documents, privileges, state laws, statutes, papal bulls, official patents, court announcements, decisions, expert opinions, legal declarations, complaints, comparisons/settlements, peace agreements, and other legal documents and news pertaining to the History of Silesia and its legal scholarship. In addition to a list of authors some of which are included, and a register of the most noble matters. Second volume. Contains documents belonging to the worldly state of Silesia.) (Wroclaw; 1742); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/15/2020 ADD PAGE #