Jun. 25, 1616

“Decree” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Matthias [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] Jewish butchers/meat traders/meat dealers (‘Fleischhändler’) are prohibited to sell meat on Sundays and on Christian holidays. […] Christians butchers/meat traders/meat dealers may confiscate/take away (‘wegzunehmen’) such Jewish meat according to common practice and to distribute/apply (‘anzuwenden’) it to schools, hospitals and prisons. […]” [Researcher’s note: This ordinance was withdrawn on July 15, 1657, when Jews plead with the Emperor that their ability to make a living and pay their contribution to the royal treasure would be diminished by such order. Although their appeal was granted at first, a prohibition to trade on Sundays and holidays was reissued and then confirmed on Aug. 26, 1672.]
Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Juden in the Cechoslov. Republik; I Jahrgang. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Samuel Steinherz; (Prag; 1929); (Society for History of the Jews in the Czech Republic; Year’s Issue 1929; Published by Prof. Dr. Samuel Steinherz); (Prague; 1929); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/21/2017 ADD PAGE #