ca. 1626

[Possible/Probable] “Jewish-Ordinance” issued by the Council of the Imperial City of Wimpfen,* year 1626 [Imperial City of Wimpfen; Present-day Germany] [Provisional]: “[…] Only four Jewish families chosen by the council are to be taken into protection (allowed to settle) but not as citizens […] they are to swear an Jewish oath to be loyal and good to the city. They are not to blaspheme Jesus’s name. Foreign Jews are to stay no more than one night. The Jews are to live in two houses and may not posses property/real estate. They are only to charge 5% in interest, usury is prohibited, they are prohibited from purchasing stolen goods. […] Honesty is strongly suggested. They are to wear yellow rings on their dresses or coats, so that they can be recognized. On Christian holy-days, they may not work, ride (horse etc.), drive, and must avoid the street. […]” [Researcher’s note: *This summary of the Jewish ordinance of Wimpfen was first issued in 1598.]
Geschichte der Reichstadt Wimpfen, Ritterstifts St. Peter zu Wimpfen in Thal des Dominicanerklosters und des Hospitals zum hl. Geist zu Wimpfen am Berg. Nach Urkunden zusammengestellt von Ludwig Frohnhäuser, Pfarrverwalter; (Darmstadt; 1870); (History of the Imperial City of Wimpfen, of the Knightly-Stift St. Peter of Wimpfen in the Valley of the Dominican monastery and the Hospital of the holy spirit of Wimpfen at the mountain. According to official documents by Ludwig Frohnhäuser, Parish Administrator); (Darmstadt; 1870); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/26/2018