Jun. 21, 1629

“Decree” issued by Office of Inquisition [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] Jews may not conceal their yellow barrettes and hats [they are required to wear when in public] or [they are to] face a fine of 50 Scudi and lashings […] The two side-strips of the barrette or at least the rims of the hats are to be lined with the same [colored] fabric. […] Jews are not to wear black veils or wraps/shawls but only yellow ones. Jewesses must wear their [identification] sign that is visible and [they are] not to conceal it with a small cloth/fabric/scarf. […]” [Researcher’s note: This decree was modified in 1636.]
Vogelstein, Hermann and Paul Rieger: Geschichte Der Juden in Rom. Zweiter Band; 1420-1870 (History of the Jews in Rome. Volume II. 1420-1870); (Berlin; 1895); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/26/12018 ADD PAGE #