Aug. 18, 1630

“Ordinance” of Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] all Jews in the capital of Prague shall (be present to) listen to a German, Catholic sermon in the church of Our Dear Lady at Locke every Saturday evening (‘Sonnabend’) at which at least 200 people are to be present or be fined one Reichsthaler per head […] double in the case of a repeated offense […] the fines are to establish a fond for the converted. […]”
Engelman, Wilhelm: Das Judentum in Oesterrich und die böhmischen Unruhen (“The Jewry in Austria and the bohemian Unrest”); (Leipzig; 1845); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/13/2018 ADD PAGE #