Dec. 4, 1637

Ordinance of the City Council of [Bad] Wimpfen [Present-day Germany; Imperial City of Wimpfen / Holy Roman Empire]: “The local Jews may not harbor any foreign Jews or offer a place for them to keep their horses, or be fined 10 Rthlr [Reichsthaler;] rather, they are to be sent/referred to the [local] inn.”
Wimpfen am Neckar. Geschichtlich und topographisch nach historischen Mittheilungen und archäologischen Studien dargestellt von Dr. A. von Lorent, Ritter des Großherzoglichen Badischen Zähringer Löwenordens mit Eichenlaub und dem königlich Württembergischen Kronen- und Friedrichs-Orden ([Bad] Wimpfen by Neckar. Presented historically and topographically based on historical reports and archeological studies by  A. Von Lorent, PhD, Knight of the Order of the Zähringer-Lion* of the Grand-Duchy of Baden with an oak-leaf-cluster and the Royal Württemberg crown and Friedrich Order*); (Stuttgart; 1870); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/11/2020