Feb. 26, 1646

“Order” of [City] Council of Münster [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “Since little money is coming in from the permit [fees] of the Jews, even though many Jews are sneaking in by fraud […] the elders and meisters’ (‘alder – und m[eiste]rleute’) suggestion has been approved and [it has been] decided that Jacob Storck, porter/gatekeeper, […] shall be ordered, instructed […] and entrusted to pay close attention to the permits of the Jews so that each pays one Ortsthaler (‘orttaler’) when they enter and that they do not stay here more than three days or receive a prison penalty (‘ad poenam carceris’). Also, it shall be ordered that Jews shall not be permitted to enter through any other gate […] except the gate of [the aforementioned] porter/gatekeeper Storck […].”
Westfalia Judaica III. Quellen und Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in der Stadt Münster 1530-1650/1662. Herausgegeben von Diethard Aschoff. Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Band 3.1. (“Jewish Westfalia III. Sources and Regests Regarding the History of Jews in the City of Münster 1530-1650/1662. Edited by Diethard Aschoff. Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum at the Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Westphalia.”); (Münster; 2000); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/24/2018 ADD PAGE #