Nov. 15, 1658

Papal Bull “For those reasons that” (Ad ea per quae) issued by Pope Alexander VII [Papal States; Present-day Italy]: “[…] the [Jewish] community [as a whole] must pay for all unoccupied apartments in the ghettos. [… because], Jewish inhabitants are not easy on those houses so that the owners are often forced to make repairs which is no surprise given that the buildings are often several hundred years old. There appears to be a secret agreement among them that no Israeli is to rent a house that was vacated by a co-religionist — an accusation that need not be dismissed. That is why it is necessary to proceed against such scams with laws […] to protect the Christian owners. […]” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text.]
Vogelstein, Herman and Paul Rieger: Geschichte der Juden in Rom. Zweiter Band. (History of Jews in Rome. Second Volume.); (Berlin; 1895); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shdajaani 1/31/2021 ADD PAGE #