Nov. 12, 1671

“Rescript” issued by Prince-Elector (‘Kurfürst’) Johann Philipp von Schönborn [Electorate of Mainz; Present-day Germany]: “Since we […] cannot help but notice and perceive that the accursed [co]habitation of Jews among Christians is occasionally annoying (‘hin und wieder sehr ärgerlich ist’), and that it causes inconveniences and in-opportunities (‘ungelegenheiten’) [and since] this is not permitted in any other place where Jews live among Christians […] and so too, we wish to order and instruct our authorities to prevent such ruinous harms and disadvantages and to discontinue/stop (‘abstellen’) this annoying and damaging living-arrangements of Jews among Christians […].” [Researcher’s note: This Rescript also known as “Ordinance of Hadamar” (‘Hadmar’sche Verordnung’) contains 17 sections and is several pages long; it has been abbreviated to fit the allocated space. The entire original text can be found in the cited source.]
Diplomatische Geschichte der Juden zu Mainz und dessen Umgebung, mit Berücksichtigung ihres Rechtszustandes in den verschiedenen Epochen. Aus größtenteils ungedruckten Urkunden bearbeitet von K. A. Schaab, b. R. Dr., Vicepräsidenten des vormaligen Großh. Kreisgerichts zu Mainz, Ritter des Großh. Hess. Ludewigsordens 1r Klasse, (“Diplomatic History of Jews in Mainz and its Surroundings with special attention to their legal status in the various eras. From mostly unprinted/unpublished official documents edited by K[arl] A[nton] Schaab, b R. PhD., Vice-President of the former Grand Ducal District Court of Mainz, Knight of the Grand Ducal Hessian Order of Louis, 1st class.”); (Mainz; 1855); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/23/2013 ADD PAGE #