May 6, 1678

“Expulsion of all Jews from Eastern Pomerania” issued by Duke Fredrick William of Prussia [Prussia / Present-day Germany and Poland]: “… all Jews both in the cities and on the country side are ordered to leave Eastern Pomerania within 14 days of issuance of this ordinance or avoid expulsion; they are no longer to be tolerated in any part of the Duchy.”
Stern, Selma: Der Preussische Staat und die Juden, Vol. 1. (The Prussian State and the Jews) (1962) p. 135, Ausfertigung Stettinischer Staats Archiv P. 1.  Tit. 99. Nr. 154 und Conc. Berliner Staats Archiv R 30-212, Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 12/22/2015