Apr. 14, 1688

“Order of the Sovereign Prince” issued by Prince-Bishop Johann Gottfried II von Gutenberg [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg]: “[…] the noble and adjacent collegiate-Stifts*(‘Collegiat-Neben-Stiftern’), cloisters, universities, […] hospitals, and such […] and villages and courts that are part of the mediat** advocatus lordships (‘mediaten Vogtey-Herrschaften’) […] are not to give Jews protection and to admit them (into their domain/jurisdiction) […] rather, Jews are solely to receive their protection[-permits] from the sovereign-prince (‘Landes-Fürsten) or from the highest territorial lord (‘Ober-Territorial-Herrn’) to whom they must submit the protection-fee.” [Researcher’s note: *A Stift was an independent territory within the Holy Roman Empire. **A ‘Mediat(-Stadt)’ was a city that was subordinate to the nobility or the administration of the ruling power. A similar order was reissued on February 20, 1691.]
Wirzburgische Chronik derer lezteren Zeiten von P. Ignacio Gropp. (Wirzburg; 1750); (Chronicle of Würzburg’s past by P. Ignacio Gropp.); (Würzburg; 1750); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/21/2020 ADD PAGE #