Feb. 16, 1697

“Writ” of the City Council of Halle [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Magdeburg]: “[…Assur Marx* may retain the garden [house] under the condition …] that he may not rent/lease/offer (‘elocieren’)* it to anyone except to honest and unsuspicious Christians, and never to vagabonding/roaming (‘umschweifende’) and unprotected Jews […]” [Researcher’s note: *The purchasing of this garden was initially granted by the community to Assur Marx in exchange for two Thaler in interest as well as other considerable contributions.]
Kisch, Guido: Rechts- und Sozialgeschichte der Juden in Halle 1686-1730. (Legal and social history of Jews in Halle from 1686-1730); (Berlin; 1970); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 12/26/2019 ADD PAGE #