Sept. 24, 1697

“Ordinance” issued by Schardius* […] of behalf of Fredrick I of Prussia [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Prussia]: “[…] henceforth, Jews are no longer permitted to acquire real-estate […] and those that are owned by Jews who do not have a blood-heir, shall be turned over to the highest-bidding Christian upon their death. […]” [Researcher’s note: Though the text itself is vague, this decree was most likely written by Levin Schardius; the name Schardius points to a number of state servants – possibly from the same family tree.]
Anhang des Corporis Constitutionum Marchicarum Fünfften Theils. Zweyten Abtheilung. Cap. X. hält in sich Die General-Privilegia und Gulde-Briefe derer in the Chur und Mark Brandenburg bis- und jenes der Oder und Elbe befindlichen Zünfte und Handwerke, wie schon nach dem 16. August 1731 emanirten und in der Chur und Mark Brandenburg unsre dem 6. August 1732. publicirten Reichs-Constitution, mit Aufhebung derer alten Innungs-Briefe neu abgestattet und nach Ordnung der Zeit, wie sie publiciret sind, hier zusammen gedruckt worden. Kaiserliche Kurfürstliche Hofbibliothek. (“Supplement to the Constitution of the Margraviate. Fifth part. Twentieth section. Chapter X. contains the general-privileges and the letters/orders of the guilds in the electorate and margraviate of Brandenburg covering all [local craftsmen] guilds [located] all the way to the Oder and Elbe as it was issued as per August 16, 1731, in the Electorate and Margraviate of Brandenburg and published along with the state constitution of August 6, 1732, they are listed and printed here in chronological order as they were published after the abolishment of the old guild letters/orders. [From the] Imperial-Electoral Court Library.”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/2/2019 ADD PAGE #