Sept. 5, 1709

“Edict” issued by George I (‘Georg Ludewig’) [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg]: “[…] all local, un-escorted Jews, are to leave the land within 10 days of publication of this […] and those arriving from suspicious places [including beggar-Jews, especially from Poland] are not to be permitted to enter […].” [Researcher’s note: The above edict has been abbreviated to fit the allocated space. It can be found in its entirely in the cited source.]
Chur-Braunschweig-Lüneburgische Landes-Ordnung und Gesetze, dritter Theil, worin enthalten Caput Qvartum, von Polizei-Sachen. Erster Band. Mit den zwölf ersten Sectionen desselbigen. Zum Gebrauch des Fürstenthums Lüneburg, auch angehörige Graf- und Herrschaften Zellischen Theils. (Local/land ordinances and laws of the [Elector]-Principality of Brunswick-Lüneburg, third part, which contains chapter four, pertaining to police-matters. Volume I. Containing the first twelve sections of the same. For the use of the principality of Lüneburg, as well as the Duchies and Lordships associated in the territories of Celle.); (Lüneburg; 1743); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/31/2019 ADD PAGE #