Dec. 24, 1710

“Patent” issued by Marquard Ludwig von Printzen on behalf of Fredrick I of Prussia [Kingdom of Prussia; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Even though His Royal Majesty in Prussia […] have already prohibited Jews from peddling and roaming around on the countryside, His Majesty have found it fit—due to the present risky times because of the contagion [and since our experience shows that the Jews transport/carry this illness from one place to another due to their eagerness for profits …] to not only repeat such prohibition but to also prohibit Jews from trading on the countryside altogether, which is why all Jews are required at the [threat] of severe corporal punishment to remain in their places of residency (‘Ort ihres Auffenthalts’) and not to travel on the countryside under any circumstances or move from one city to another in pursuit of their trade […]” [Researcher’s note: Marquard Ludwig von Printzen was a Chief-Hofmarschall in Prussia.]
Staatsbibliothek Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (State-Library/Archive to Berlin – Prussian Cultural Heritage/property);; Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/1/2019 ADD PAGE #