Nov. 3, 1716

“Order” of Frederick William (‘Friedrich Wilhelm’) [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “By the grace of God, [We] Friedrich Wilhelm […] Since We have personally already graciously ordered […] that all Jews, who do not have a protection-patent (permit to settle) are no longer to be tolerated in Kaliningrad or in any of the other places in Our Kingdom of Prussia, but that they are to be expelled from our domains/lands immediately and no new escort[-permit] is to be granted, […] and those who have received protection-letters are neither permitted to peddle in the cities nor on the countryside [… the merchandize of violators is to be confiscated …].” [Researcher’s note: Local tradespeople are asked to settle debts with “unprotected Jews” so that “any pretext they may have to extend their stay is eliminated.” The above order is abbreviated to fit the allocated space and can be found in its entirety in the cited source.]
Geschichte der Juden in Königsberg i. Pr. Ein Beitrag zu Sittengeschichte des preussischen Staates. Nach urkundlichen Quellen bearbeitet von Dr. H. Jolowicz. (History of Jews in Königsberg/Kaliningrad i[n] Pr[ussia]. A contribution to the history of customs in Prussian states. According to official sources edited by H[einmann] Jolowicz); (Posen; 1867); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/13/2020 ADD PAGE #