Jul. 12, 1718

“Patent” issued by the Government of Brunswick-Lüneburg [Present-day Germany]: “Since numerous complaints have come forth, that the increasing number of Jews is causing great harm and disadvantage to the ability of Christians to make a living, that is why the landlord has graciously declared that further letters of protections should no longer be issued to Jews; even if the letters of protections have been issued for multiple years, they are now null and the noted date has come to and end […]”
Churfürstliche Braunschweig-Lüneburgische Landes-Gesetz und Verordnung Calenbergischen und Grubenhagenschen Theils in einem Auszug nach alphabetischer Ordnung gebracht von Friedrich Christoph Willich, der Rechte Doctor, und Actuarius der Georg-August Universität. Zweiter Band H-O. (State Laws and Ordinances of the Prince-Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg pertaining to Calenberg and Grubenhagen in one draft and in alphabetical order complied by Friedrich Christoph Willich, PhD in Law and Actuarius of Georg-August University. Second Volume. H – O.); (Göttingen/Dessau; 1782)); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/29/2019 ADD PAGE #