Oct. 16, 1723

Royal Decree [Archdukedom of Austria / Present-day Austria]: “Order and Ordinance, by which Jews are to act in the city of Vienna until their Privileges expire: 1) No Jew, unless he’s received a special ‘privilege’ is allowed to keep married children or friends, much less, married accountants, cashiers or other married servants, whose wife and children are away, […] and they are to get rid of them within four weeks of this publication. 2) No Jew is allowed to keep servants or housemate, unless given specific permission by the court; nor is anyone allowed to shelter a Jew overnight under any circumstance, except with the permission of the court. 3) Jews are not to have Christian servants except as a coachman, who is to change every year […] and if they are in need of Christian scribes, they are not to have them over for ‘bread and food’ and much less overnight. 4) the head of the family is to deal with exchange (of money and Jewels); however, not with other things, especially with trade items, under the treat of loss of their privileges. 5) Should it be known that besides the ‘house father’ his children and servants are doing even the smallest kind of business who are not privileged to do so, are to be made known and fined, but also the father is to lose his Privileges. 6) Jews are to follow their religious ceremonies quietly and without offending the Christians in any way, nor are they to leave the house before 10 a.m. much less find negotiating or doing any kind of business, […] and should a Jew find himself in a alley where a body of an ill person is being carried through, he’s to hide in the nearest house and wait until the procession is over […] and stay away from a window, so that he’s not only seen, or sees the alley.”
Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. Erste Abteilung. Allgemeiner Teil 1526-1847. Erster Band. (Wien) 1918; p. 310 ff., Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/20/2016 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION