ca. Mar. 1724

[Possible/Probable] “Edict” of King Louis XV of France [France/Louisiana; Present-day United States] [Provisional]: “The edict of the late King Louis XIII of glorious memory […] shall be in force in our province and colony of Louisiana, in the execution of which, we enjoin the directors of said company*, and all of our officers, to remove from said country all the Jews who many have taken up their abode there – the departure of whom, as declared enemies of the Christian name, we command within three months, including the day these presents are published, under the pain of forfeiture of their bodies and states. […].” [Researcher’s note: *The Indies company had been granted exclusive trading privileges in the province of Louisiana by Louis XV. Edict issued in New Orleans.]
American Jewish Historical Society: Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, Issues 15-16; Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 12/14/2016