Jul. 31, 1725

“Royal Court Edict” (‘Hofreskript’) issued by Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI [Karl VI] [Archduchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “[…] it is prohibited to accept/admit Jews into places where they have not been (settled) so far […] or face a fine of 1000 Ducats. The number of admissible (‘systemisierten’) [Jewish] families is set at 5106. […]”
Österreichisches Staatswörterbuch. Handbuch des gesamten österreichischen öffentlichen Rechtes herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachmänner von Dr. Ernst Mischler and Dr. Joseph Ulbrich; Zweiter Band; F-J; (Wien; 1906); (Austrian State Dictionary. Handbook of the Entire Austrian Public Law, published – with the participation of numerous specialists – by Dr. Ernst Mischler and Joseph Ulbrich; Volume II; F-J); (Vienna; 1906); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/18/2018 ADD PAGE #