Aug. 31, 1728

“Declaration” issued by the Government of Prussia [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “His Royal Majesty of Prussia, […] our gracious lord […] have declared that [as] the Jews in Berlin and all other provinces die out, no new letters of protection shall be issued [to Jews]. All Jewish commissions, domain-chambers, magistrates and authorities under which the Jews lie, are to enforce this […]”
Des Corporis Constitutionum Marchicarum, Fünffter Theil. Von Polizey-Hochzeit-Kindtauffen-Begräbniß und Trauer- Kleider- auch Feuer-Gassen und anderen zur Polizei gehörigen Ordnungen, deren Städte Anbau, Manufacturen- Commercien- Woll- und Handwercks-Sachen, Dorff- und Acker- Bauer- Schäffer- Hirten- Gesinde-Ordnungen, und andren das Land-Wesen und Acker-Bau betreffenden Materien, item von Medicinal-Ordnungen, Chirurgis, Apotheckern, Pest-Anstalten, Vieh-Sterben. Scharffrichtern, Abdeckern, Schweinschneidern, Landstreichern, Zigeunern, Juden, Wirths-Häusern, und dergleichen. In Fünff Abtheilungen. (“Regarding the constitution of margraviate. Fifth part. Pertaining to police, marriage, baptism, funeral, mourning, clothing as well as fire-alley and other police ordinances, of city planning/building, manufacturing, commerce, wool, and other craftsmanships, village, farm and famers and shepherds, herdsmen, servant ordinances, and other matters pertaining to land-ownership and farming, as well as medical ordinances, surgery, apothecary, plague-institutions, and dying of cattle. Executioners/slaughterers. skinners, pork-cutters, tramps, gypsies, Jews, Inns/Taverns and the like. In five divisions.”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/27/2019 ADD PAGE #