Mar. 21, 1729

Papal bull “Alias Emanarunt,” issued by Pope Benedict XIII [Present-day France]: “[…] Jews are to be limited to the trade of rag-picking, or ‘cencinariae’ (as it is said in the vernacular), and they cannot trade in grain, barley or any other commodity essential to human welfare. And those among them who are physicians, even if summoned and inquired after, cannot attend or take part in the care of Christians, and they are not to be addressed as superiors [even] by poor Christians.”
Giraldi, Ubaldo. Expositio juris pontificii: juxta recentiorem ecclesiae disciplinam in duas partes distribute (Exposition of Pontifical Law, According to Recent Church Doctrine, Published in Two Parts), Part 1. Apud Dominicum Ercole: Rome, 1829. Pp. 619ff. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 9/1/2019