Oct. 16, 1738

Frankfurt: Jews are only allowed to conduct business in the “Jewish Street,” i.e. in the ghetto [Germany]: “The senate of Frankfurt has decreed by this law that: Traders complained that Jews are selling their products in areas that are provided to Christians. The Christians therefore lack their income and food. They become poor. This is seen as injustice and shall be avoided. Referring to the imperial resolution of June 1, 1728, Jews are from now on forbidden to trade or sell wares in areas that are provided to Christians. Jews are only allowed to conduct business in the ‘Jewish Street.’ Everyone who acts against this resolution can be punished hard.” [Translator’s note: Translation paraphrase. Extract from resolution of the Frankfurter Senate, October 16, 1738]
Decrees Collection, AR 379, Leo Baeck Institute Archive, New York. Researched/Received Translation from Leo Baeck Institute 12/1/2014 ADD PAGE #