Nov. 24, 1741

“Royal Resolution in response to the Pomeranian War- & Domain-Chamber’s…report from August 10 regarding Jewish-elders in Pomerania…on behalf of His Royal Majesty’s most-gracious special order”* [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “1) That it’s cause for concern/disconcerting to permit the oldest son of a Jew, who is to eventually receive his father’s privilege, to engage in trading alongside his father in another house, since Jewish-trade would multiply to the detriment of Christian businessmen. 2) That the other Jewish-children, who are not to be included in their parent’s protection-letters as per the General-Jewish-Privilege (‘General-Juden-Privilegio’), shall remain unwedded until they find an opportunity to get married to an [already] escorted/privileged Jew or attain their own permits. 3) That the application and/for concessions/permits shall be addressed to the royal court whenever a Jew wishes to purchase his own home. 4) The prohibition to peddle on the countryside remains in effect […] 6) Jews must have their cattle […] slaughtered by a Christian butcher […] and if the cut goes wrong, concede all of the meat to the Christian-butchers. […]” [Researcher’s note: *Signed in Berlin by v. Görne, v. Viereck, v. Happe, v. Boden – all of who were ministers under *Frederick William I of Prussia.]
David Friedrich Quickmannen, Justiz-Burgemeisters zu Treptow an der Rega – Ordnung oder Samlung derer in dem königlichen preußischen Herzogtum Pommern und Fürstentum Camin, bis zu Ende des 1747sten Jahres, publicirten Edicten, Mandaten und Rescripten, in Justiz-Policey- Militair- Lehn- Forst- Post- Zoll- Accise, Steuer- Manufactur- und Oeconomie-Sachen etc. (Frankfurt an der Oder; 1750); (David Friedrich Quickmannen, judiciary mayor of Trzebiatów – Listing or collection of all edicts, mandates, and rescripts pertaining to matters related to law, police, military, loan, forestry, post, customs, tolls, taxes, manufacturing and economy issued in the royal Prussian Duchy in Pomerania and Principality/Bishopric of Cammin until the end of the year 1747.) (Frankfurt (Oder); 1750); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/6/2020 ADD PAGE #