Jan. 18, 1742

Edict, issued by the City Council of Frankurt/Main [Present-day Germany]: “Whereas the Most Honorable, Most Noble Men of the Holy Roman Empire present on Election Day, the Royal Princes, have indicated to this Council that they have resolved to elect a new Roman King and future Emperor, on the nearest Wednesday, the 24th of January; This Council orders all non-residents to leave this city by sundown on this Tuesday, the 23rd, and that no citizen shall give shelter to such strangers. The protected Jews of this city shall not be found on the street during this time of a royal election, but shall remain quietly in their homes, so that this Council will have no occasion to punish any offenders.”
“Demnach der Hochwürdigsten Durchlauchtigsten des Heil Röm. Reichs bey gegenwärtigem Wahl-Tag anwesender hoher Herren Churfürsten etc. … [Whereas the Most Honorable, Most Noble Men of the Holy Roman Empire present on Election Day, the Royal Princes etc. …],” 1/18/1742; Decrees Collection; AR 379; Box 1; Folder 118; Leo Baeck Institute. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 12/16/2019