Rescript, issued by Christian VI, King of Denmark and Norway, to the Diocesan Commander of Lolland [Present-day Denmark]: “The elders of the Jewish families in Nakskov shall be instructed to report not only all foreign and impoverished Jews, but also those who are accepted into the service of another Jew, upon arrival and in writing, to the mayor there […] and, when they depart again, to sign their passports, all under penalty of 4 lots of silver, each time this is neglected, to be paid by the elders; since those who house or hide such Jewish foreigners […] must be punished by the law (Section 562, Art. 21), the same as those who shelter outlaws.” [Researcher’s note: 1. Lolland is the fourth-largest island of Denmark. 2. A “lot” is an obsolete unit of weight, equivalent to ca. 15 grams, or slightly more than a half-ounce.]
Cohen, Asser Daniel. De Mosaiske troesbekjenderes stilling i Danmark forhen og nu: historisk fremstillet i et tidsløb af naesten 200 aar, tilligemed alle lovsteder og offentlige foranstaltninger dem angaande, som ere udkomne fra 1651 til 1836. (The position of the Mosaic believers in Denmark, before and now: historically produced over a period of nearly 200 years, as well as all laws and public measures relating to the same which were published from 1651 to 1836). Forfatterens: Odense (Denmark), 1837. Page 28. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 5/17/2020